I first learned about Tartiflette a few weeks ago; the French dish from the Savoie region of France is made with potatoes, reblochon cheese, pork lardons, and onions. (Think fancy scalloped potatoes).
This Ukrainian girl was instantly attracted to the list of ingredients, but I wanted to recreate it using as many local ingredients as possible. My first attempt created a decent result, but to make it blog worthy I needed some help. Thankfully I had a trip to Calgary planned and I know that my sister’s neighbour, Chef Michael Allemeier, enjoys sharing his culinary knowledge (and enjoys my Passion for Pork recipe challenges/opportunities).
Always interested in products of Edmonton-area producers, I brought Chef Allemeier cured side pork from Acme Meat Market and La Bianca cheese from The Cheesiry. When I told him I wanted to make something with lardons, he explained that lardons are defined by cubes or matchstick sized-pieces of pork fat; just another part of the pig to love.
With just a few simple ingredients, and generous portion of whipping cream (Chef Allemeier is a great friend to Alberta Milk), he whipped up an Albertan-version of tartiflette that was lapped up immediately by our families. I wasn’t the only one at the table looking the empty La Crueset pot wishing we had made more.
Chef Micheal Allemeier’s Tartiflette
4 medium sized potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced
1 onion, diced
150 g lardons
2 tbsps canola oil
1 cup cream
salt and pepper to taste
1 round of local/Canadian cheese (La Bianca from The Cheesiry, brie, etc.) or substitute with 3/4 cup shredded cheese
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
2. In a large cast-iron or oven safe pan over medium heat, heat canola oil and cook onions and lardons, stirring occasionally for approximately five minutes or until they begin to brown. Add cream and cook for one minute more.
3. Remove from heat and arrange potatoes on top in an even layer. Cover and bake until potatoes are tender, approximately 30 minutes.
4. Cut cheese in half horizontally, and place the half on top, rind side up, or sprinkle grated cheese over top, and bake until cheese is melted into the potatoes. Serve immediately.