On Friday evening I ventured south on the QE2 towards central Alberta for a Terre It Up Catering – Farm Box Dinner, one of a series of locally sourced, gastronomical dinners at the beautiful Ellis Bird Farm near Lacombe, Alberta.
Behind the concept is chef Blake Anderson, originally from Olds, and Pavla Hruzkova, a native of the Czech Republic with a hospitality background. Together the two host a unique culinary adventure in a tea house that makes you feel like you are stepping back in time for dinner.
With a commitment to supporting a few local growers through a community shared agriculature (CSA) share, the menu features meats and produce from local producers in central Alberta.
Friday September 26th the final dinner of the season will feature locally-sourced pork from Todd Lawrence of Soil to Salt.
The menu costs $45 per person and dinner starts at 6:30 p.m. Email Blake and Pavla at terreitup@gmail.com, visit them on facebook, or call 403.586.4547.
The menu this Friday isis:
Brussel Sprout – Canadian Kimchi, Bacon
Pork Hock – Rye Crepe, Queso Fresco, Curtido,
Asian Choucroute – Glazed Belly, Hmong Sausage
Sea Buckthorn Posset
I thoroughly enjoyed my evening in the tea house with Pavla and Blake and it was certainly worth the drive. If you are driving between Edmonton and Calgary this is the perfect place to stop for dinner featuring locally sourced Alberta pork. My dinner featured duck from Country Thyme Farm, the confit leg was accented with house-made pancetta. Blake shared this recipe:
Pancetta Recipe
adapted from “Charcuterie” by Michael Rhulman & Brian Polcyn

5 lb slab of pork belly, skin removed, edges trimmed and of fairly even thickness
4 cloves of garlic, minced
12g pink salt (contains nitrates; optional **read packaging to determine proper amount**)
50g kosher salt
26g brown sugar
20g coarse black pepper
10g juniper berries, crushed
4 bay leaves, crumbled
4g grated nutmeg
4 sprigs of thyme