Snout to Tail Dinner With Third Street Foods Vancouver
Vancouver Finally Gets Some Pork Pairings with Chef Jesse and Kai Leitner
There’s been a shortage of pork events in Vancouver, but thankfully Third Street Foods is remedying this with their Snout to Tail Dinner On May 7th, complete with beer pairings from Strange Fellows Brewing!
May 7th at 433 Granville St, Vancouver, BC
Tickets $65
Menu whole animal; Snout to Tail.
7 courses with beer pairings
Menu developed by Chef Kai Leitner
Event hosted by Jesse Leitner and beer pairings picked by him as well.
6-8pm Sunday May 7th
Windsor Meats (#WindsorMeatsyvr)
Strange Fellows Brewing
Beast and Brine
North Thompson Farm
We’re sending our Vancouver Pork Ambassador, Cassandra Anderton, to the event, so be sure to watch our social media accounts for a sneak peak of what’s going down that night.