Porkapalooza – A Big Meat Up
The 2nd annual Porkapalooza BBQ Festival will set mouths a-watering this Father’s Day weekend (June 19-21) at Borden Park in Edmonton. www.porkapalooza.ca is now LIVE with BBQTeam applications as well as Food Vendor, Marketplace Vendor, Volunteer and Judging Class applications so get yours filled out NOW.
We’re anticipating big crowds and big appetites to this KCBS sanctioned event! Diva Q will be back as well as a great entertainment line-up, beer gardens, Kid Zone, a NEW Marketplace, Father’s Day Brunch AND a Friday night Bare Bones RibFest kick-off!! Tickets are NOW on sale for the RibFest and Father’s Day Brunch. Stayed tuned for the latest news and see YOU at Porkpalooza – A Big Meat Up!.